Sunday, November 30, 2008

November has been a really good month! Caden turned 6 years old, my sister and mom came to visit, we took the family to Rome, the kids are settling into school and making friends and we found a great bible-study to be a part of!!

We spent Caden's birthday on a train to Rome ( I thought that is was a great idea- he thought it was "ok"). I fell in love with Rome once again. We stayed in one of my favorite hotels ever the "Albergo del Senato" the location was amazing! The weather was great - sunny during the days with one night of thunder storms which was spectacular to watch. I love the history of Rome the beauty of the architecture, the stylish and friendly people, and the best gelato shop I found since moming to Italy!

After Rome we visited Florence, Verona, Lake Como and Venice . . . it was a month of exploring our surroundings as a family!

1 comment:

Karla said...

Hi Julie! I just found your blog about your adventures in Italy! How exciting and fun! I don't know if y'all know, but I finally made it to Caracas and am getting settled in. Your family is precious! I have friends in Rome who are with the Board. They're really cool people who I think y'all would love to hang out with. Let me know and I'll hook y'all up on facebook or something.